I just got a phone call from the temp agency and I have another 16 hour day ahead of me. This time I'm subbing in an elementary school that's a few blocks from my house (which means no trips to McD's due to starvation between jobs). Yesterday. I pretty much sat on my butt and only actually did something for a half an hour or so. Today, I have a feeling will be different. I'm making sure I take hand sanitizer and ibuprofen with me.
I only need 4 more shifts or so and I'll actually be able to pay March's rent before April and pay April's rent on time!!! YEAH!!!! The big crunch time for me is until mid-April when I get my vehicle payments caught up, then I can really concentrate on getting some debt paid down.
Schedule for the day:
7:50am-2:55pm work at elementary school
3:oopm-3:45pm make hamburger helper, eat some and bring some to job #2
4:oopm-12:30am work at job #2
Thank God for weekends where I can do nothing but sleep. With working so much I can't even think about spending money. I find time to do things like figure out my budget and make my grocery list at my evening job while I'm waiting for other people to finish their assignments.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Woo hoo, I'm working another 16 hour day!!!
Posted by
No more debt
6:48 AM
13 min.
I have 13 min. until I can leave work and go home to bed. Ahhhh..... It's been a long, but good day. I'm going to sleep well tonight.
Posted by
No more debt
12:17 AM
Picking up change
I read something last night about picking up change you find on the ground. Some people won't bother with it while other people hunt for it and pick up every last penny they see. I am one of those who picks up anything the vast majority of the time. Since I don't go out shopping much and pretty much just drive to and from work my opportunities to pick up change are few and far between.
So I thought about other ways I can pick up pennies in the internet world. I looked at my e-mail inbox and found a perfect example. I read e-mails and get $$ for each one, usually $.02, but it's $.02!! What I do is let the e-mails pile up for a week or so and then "read" a bunch at one time while I'm watching TV. I figure this is going to bring in around $50/year, nothing to sneeze at....
Posted by
No more debt
12:10 AM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I admit it, I spent money today
I brought food with me today for meal times at both jobs. By the end of job #1 I was ravenously hungry and at that point I had two choices. I could go home and get something else or I could go to one of the two McDonald's on my way to job #2. Both options would cost be about the same amount of money, but because time was a factor I went to McDonald's (I had cash) and spent $4.
So yes, I broke my no spending rule but I had to do something right?
Only 6 hours till I get to go to bed.....
Posted by
No more debt
6:43 PM
I never thought I'd be thankful for....
My roommates blender. My roommate has recently taken up smoothies in the morning and it usually wakes me up. I didn't set my alarm this morning figuring if I woke up to call the temp agency I would, and if I didn't wake up that was ok too. I called and guess what, I have work today!!!!!!!!!
So, I'm pretty much working from 8am-12:30am today. 16 hours of work is gonna seem strange after not working for over a month.
I gotta run!
Posted by
No more debt
7:04 AM
Insert clever quip about Tuesday here, maybe
I'm not quite sure I'm liking this theme of the day thing, it seems too forced for me. I'd rather keep it free form. It's my blog and I can do what I want right?
Not much of note happened Monday. I TRIED to sleep after I called the temp agency and the bank but the sleep was fragmented by several phone calls. Lovely.... I know my body and I know I have to get a good night's sleep tonight or else I'll succumb to the nasty crud that's going around (I can tell my body is really fighting it) and/or I'll get a migraine. So, that being said, I may not call into the temp agency in the morning. Yes, I need the money but I also can't afford to miss a couple days of work due to being sick.
I did work on refining my budget for this paycheck. I am making a well planned grocery list. I am also making a detailed list of errands I need to run on Friday (payday). If I don't make a list I will probably end up wasting a gallon or two of gas. Efficiency is key here.
I found out a little more about the benefits at my new job. I was only able to look at one option for health insurance and it's cheap but it really only meant for routine colds and flu type of doctors visits, maybe a broken bone or an uncomplicated appendectomy. The major positive side is it's only $19/month for a $250 deductible. Routine preventative care is only a $15 copay. This plan looks like a very viable option for me, especially since my primary form of health care is acupuncture. Hmmm, the more I write about this plan the more it's making a whole lot of sense to me. Even if I go to my acupuncturist once a month for $50 and health insurance is $19 it's still cheaper than a traditional employer sponsored insurance plan. Let me fill you in a little on how acupuncture has helped me. I am still in debt to several medical establishments for multiple tests that never showed anything (I was tested for multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis and had a shoulder injury). ALL of my symptoms went away after two or three sessions of acupuncture. So, $150 to solve the problem vs. THOUSANDS and no results; you do the math and figure out which option is more budget friendly.
Posted by
No more debt
1:21 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008
Managing Money Monday
It's 2:50am and I am still awake. I royally screwed up my sleeping schedule this weekend. If I get work through the temp agency today it's going to be one very long and rough day.
So, today's topic is managing money. Friday is payday!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! I'll be getting about $400. $175 goes to my vehicle payment ($15 of that is stupid tax). $110 goes to vehicle insurance. $50 goes into my gas tank. $35 for an overdraft fee that's going to hit (totally not my fault either, stupid bank), $4.25 for ebay fees, $20 to pay back someone for the money they gave me for gas last week, for a total of $394.25. Then there is my SIL's babyshower on the 8th. My mom is sending me $20 for gas, which won't totally cover the trip up there with gas prices the way they are.
I'm going to try and talk some sense into the bank in the morning and see if I can get a fee they charged me reversed so the overdraft fee won't hit me. Or see if they can take away the fee and recharge me for the fee later. The fee came from the fact there was not an automatic deposit into my account the last billing cycle.
I somehow have to get some money for the perishable food I can't get through the food shelf. My income for March is going to be too high (just over the limit) so I can't get any food stamps. I pray I can get work with the temp agency this week because they pay on a weekly basis.
It's all so overwhelming. This is the point the anxiety kicks in....
UPDATE: I was up to call into the temp agency (no work through them today) so I decided to call the bank. My bank does not have a reputation for being nice, but I had a totally different experience with them just a few min. ago. I explained the situation and told them direct deposit was going to be re-established soon. Thank God they had a heart and reversed the fee! YEAH!!!!!! So that's $35 I have back to pay down some debt.
Posted by
No more debt
2:49 AM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Suze Sunday
I'm going to try to do a theme post everyday. Sunday's are going to be the days I post a youtube video, quotes, comments ect all surrounding Suze Orman.
In her book Women and Money Suze list the 8 quailities of a wealthy woman. The quality I feel I need to work on the most is #7, Cleanliness. Suze defines cleanliness as "a state of purity, clarity, and precision." As I look around my immediate surroundings there is nothing pure, clear, or precise about it. She goes on to say "In India, women sweep the front entrance to their home each morning as a way of welcoming Lakshmi, the goddess of material and spiritual abundance, into their home, for there is a belief that she resides at the threshold of every house. In order for her to enter, she must have a clear path." There is no path around me, I just know where to step and where not to step.
To start things off I have just changed the wallpaper on my laptop to a picture of Lakshmi. Next I am going to wash a load of laundry and then work on cleaning up my space. If I don't post Managing Money Monday by sometime Monday evening send the dogs to come sniffing for me.
Wish me luck!!!
Posted by
No more debt
3:30 PM
What got me in debt?
Yes, I know spending more than I made is what got me in debt. But, what was the reason behind that spending.
I'm not a compulsive shopper, I don't do drugs, I don't drink, and I don't gamble. So what did I spend all my money on. I have one word for you, FOOD. I used (and still do at times, but not nearly as much) food to stuff emotions. My particular weakness was/is fast food. McDonald's, KFC, Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King, and McDonald's. Yes, McDonald's is a HUGE HUGE HUGE weakness for me. I even worked there and was not turned off by all the grease. Hmmm, I just thought of something. McDonald's was a very special treat when I was growing up. McDonald's is where my dad and I went a week or two before he died (it was VERY rare to even talk to him as he worked two jobs and spent the rest of his time at the casino). I always paid rent and made sure I had transportation (had to get to the drive-thru and work somehow) but beyond that everything else was negotiable and food usually won out. I usually didn't pay other stuff until it reached a crisis point, such as the electricity getting turned off (only happened once but came close many other times). There were times I would get breakfast at McD's. Then for lunch I'd get Taco Bell. Then my friend would call and we'd go to the Chinese buffet. Then there was supper. This was not an unusual scenario.
I'd spend so much money on food that I didn't want to face the music and I never looked at my bank balance. I kept a mental note of my balance, but in the fried food induced haze I usually made a miscalculation and ended up paying through the nose in overdraft fees. So I got stressed and you know what happened next....
Even when I've been unemployed I've risked everything for that next french fry or double cheese burger or sausage mcmuffin with egg. I know I've pledged to not spend money on anything that is uneccessary but at times I'm so good at rationalizing. Now, it is MUCH better than it used to be, but it's still a huge struggle. I'm down to once or twice a week instead of twice a day (or more).
Posted by
No more debt
6:10 AM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I had a test at work tonight over the material we learned this week. I got 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!
They let us have our notes, the power point presentations, and whatever cheat sheets we have. during the test. Their reasoning is we are going to have all that information accessible to us when we are working with live customers, so we might as well get used to where it is.
I am quickly finding my groove. I don't feel overwhelmed, which is a huge thing for me. The trainers are giving the class big hints on how to get things done faster. They are also making some of our in-class assignments harder than the standard so we know our stuff better. I brought all my training stuff home this weekend. There are some things I really want to study and get down.
So what does all this have to do with getting out of debt? With this job I get paid by the phone call, email, or instant message. I have a guaranteed base rate but if I earn above that rate I get whatever it is I earned instead. The more I know my stuff, the faster I get through a call, and the more I get paid. Also, my pay per item goes up significantly if the quality of my service goes up. I can get paid nearly $15/hr if I have a quality score of 5 for the same amount of work I would get paid $10.50 for if my quality score is a 3. So yes, my study time at home is unpaid now, but in the future it will pay off big time!
Until I get out on the floor and start working with live customers I am vizualizing how I want my workspace set up, what programs I'll have open on the computer, and how I am going to answer and end my calls. During my free time I've been browsing around on the intranet and finding all kinds of resources that have helped me to form these visualizations. I found the score sheets the quality people use to grade phone calls and emails, so I know what elements they are looking for (it's the scores I get from them that influence my pay).
Posted by
No more debt
2:07 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
That was a close one
I'm trying to juggle all the bills and avoid late payments, overdraft fees, and ect. My big deal was my car insurance due on the 24th. I don't have the money in my account to cover it. So, I called the insurance company to see if I could delay payment until the 29th, but no can do. While on the phone I updated my address and new phone number, as a result of the new zip code my bill went up a few dollars a month. Well, the good news in all of this is because of the billing change my payment date was changed to March 2nd!!! YEAH!!!! I am avoiding an overdraft fee and a late payment fee from the insurance company!
I am excited to see my visit counter going up. I've had around 400 hits this week!!! Thanks for all the link love!
Posted by
No more debt
10:05 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I'm don't know yet if I'll be working through the temp agency tomorrow or not. If I do I'll be working in one of the public schools and I'm not sure what I'll be allowed to bring in for lunch and if I'll have access to a frig or microwave seeing as I'm a temp not regular staff. Hmmmm.... a challenge.... Maybe I'll just try to bring PB&J, chips, and a bannana. But that means I'll have to get bread and bannanas on my way home.
One advantage to getting my stuff done early at work and having to wait for the people in my training class to finish up the worksheets is that I can do all my e-mails and blog updates before I get home. Then, I can go straight to bed when I get home.
Posted by
No more debt
11:24 PM
Thursday updates
Well, I got the position I interviewed for yesterday. So now I have to call in to the staffing agency at 7am every morning I want to work. With this place I get paid weekly so that will help out a ton.
I did that side job today. I put on my Craigslist ad that I would work for a minimum of 5 hours (to avoid the flakes). So I ended up getting paid $50 for 2.5 hours of work, plus I got a bunch of free stuff I've wanted for quite a while (modular bookshelf entertainment system) and some super cute baby clothes for my little niece (who will be born in a few weeks). And I got a bunch of those super soft flannel reciving blankets that I'm going to make into reusable cloth pads. What an awesome day!!
Posted by
No more debt
2:19 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Got a side job tomorrow
I posted an ad on Craigslist about a month ago offering my services to help people clean out their garages ect. Well, tonight I got a phone call and someone wants me tomorrow morning!! I'll get $50!!!! $20 of that is going in my gas tank, $20 is going to my friend for the new cell phone, and the last $10 will go to groceries. YES!!!! I so needed this right now.
Posted by
No more debt
9:31 PM
If it were only real
I looked in my junk e-mail to see if anything good had slipped through. In the last two days I've gotten 13 $250 Starbucks gift cards. Now, it's very rare I ever go there, because #1, I like to support local coffee shops, and #2, I don't like coffee. So if these were really real I would give one to my brother who loves Starbucks, I would keep one for myself to buy the tea I like, and the rest I would sell on E-bay.
Also a couple of weeks ago I won the British lottery (that I didn't even enter) TWICE!!!
I can only dream.....
Posted by
No more debt
12:27 PM
Job interview #1 done
My interview was at 10am. I got there at 9:40am to take an assessment and fill out paperwork before the interview. The interview didn't start until 10:45! UGGGGG. And I saw the person chit chatting with other people while I was waiting. They expect you to show up on time but why can't they be on time? I would think that a staffing agency that staffs anything from industrial to semi-professional positions would dress at least semi-professional. Nope, not this office. The person who interviewed me looked like she was going out with her friends in her jeans and tight t-shirt.
Anyhow, as long as my background and references check out it looks like I'll get the position I interviewed for.
Posted by
No more debt
12:13 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
When it rains it pours
When I first moved back I could barely get an interview but this week, after I started a full-time job, I have THREE! Job interview #1 is tomorrow morning and is for several positions with a temp agency. Job interview #2 is Thursday morning for another temp agency. Job interview #3 is Friday afternoon for a hostess position at Perkins. If it all works out I'm hoping to get one of the jobs from tomorrow morning because it's M-F morning/early afternoon and the hostess position if it's mainly weekends. Three jobs would get the bills paid really quick.
Posted by
No more debt
8:34 PM
Cell phone savings update
Since Saturday my cell phone charges have been $3.60. My actual talk time has been 98 min. which would have cost me $9.80 on my old phone for a total savings of $6.20 in just 4 days. YEAH!! Now, I would not have talked so much on a couple of the calls if I was on my old phone but I still figure I've saved $3-$4. Plus, before the new phone I've driven to my friends house just to talk which for the round trip cost me one gallon of gas, so those savings can be factored in also.
I've heard so many people complain about the service/reception of this particular cell phone carrier. But, I am actually getting better reception in areas of town I go to frequently.
Posted by
No more debt
3:06 PM
First night at work
I had my first night at work last night. Finally, an employer who has their act together!!
Since this is a personal finance (pf) blog I'll try to stay on topic. I took food to work instead of going out at meal time. EVERYONE in my group except me hit the local fast food joints. I figured the cost of my meal to theirs. Mine cost about $.75 and theirs cost $5+. I did break down during one of the breaktimes and spent $.80 on a candy bar. It was one of those deals where I had to eat soon or else. The lesson I'm taking away from this is to bring a snack or two with me.
When I got out of work it was REALLY cold (-5 and then add the windchill factor) so I was forced to turn on the heater in my Jeep. Having the heater on really cuts down on the gas milage. My commute is so short (5.5 miles) that most of the time my vehicle does not get warm until I drive that distance anyhow so I don't turn it on in the first place. Every little bit helps right?
Posted by
No more debt
9:55 AM
Monday, February 18, 2008
My plan
I have a plan. Once I get steady paychecks from the full-time job and the part-time job I will have a better handle on how much money I can devote to debt repayment every month. My plan is to use something like the envelope system for groceries, clothes, and gas. With gas it will be a little easier to manage the cash flow as my favorite gas station has gift cards that once activated you can only use for gas. I've done the gift card thing for grocery stores before but I don't always shop at the same store, depending on who has what on sale. My main store is Aldi's because pure and simple they are the cheapest in town, but they don't do gift cards.
Another part of my plan is to split any extra income (babysitting, ect.) between debt and savings (until savings reaches a certain amount then it will go 100% to debt repayment).
I need to decide how much I am going to keep in savings (a minimum of 2 months worth of expenses to start).
Ok, so this may not sound like much of a plan to many of you (if there is anyone reading at this point) but it's a start.
Posted by
No more debt
12:16 PM
Monthly Expenses
Ok, here are my monthly expenses.
Rent: $360 (I rent a room and this price includes all utilities minus phone)
Vehicle payment: $360 (yeah I know it's steep but it's only a 3 year loan-done on 11/09)
Phone: $30 (was around $60 until I switched cell phone carriers-it pays to shop around)
Vehicle Insurance: $101 (again it's steep but it should go down in a couple of months)
Food: I have not quite figured this amount out yet. While unemployed I've been living off of the food shelf, my friend, and this last month I got some food stamps (which I used to stock up on my cheap meat staples that will last me a couple of months).
Gas: $100
Church: $22 for 10 months
Debts: I'm not even sure where to begin on this one. I get overwhelmed easily and get very anxious. I have boxes of paperwork and mail, some open but most not. Yes, I admit it, I was/am one of those people who thought/think if I don't see it, it does not exist. The good news is I have dealt with many of the issues that lead to my anxiety so I should be able to deal with this easier now.
Clothes: not sure what to put here. I don't have expenses related to dry cleaning and laundry is free. My job is very casual, I could wear pajama bottoms if I want.
Today I'll get a better idea of what my paychecks are going to be. I should find out how much money will be taken out for insurance, ect. hmmm, just thinking here, insurance does not kick in until June 1st so nothing will be taken out. I also am going to find out how much the company contributes to the 401k and have that taken out starting with the first paycheck so I never miss it. I'm also getting a part-time job.
asgreen has left a new comment on your post "Monthly Expenses": I hope you do sit and and open all those envelopes, the first step to really getting out of debt is understanding exactly how much you have. Good luck! I know it seems daunting but I promise that once you know what you owe and have a plan in place to pay it down you will start to feel much better! Plus it helps me not spend money. (somehow I clicked reject for this comment, SORRY, but I wanted to include it so I posted it here.)
Posted by
No more debt
11:42 AM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Another load off my shoulders
The day didn't start off so well. I couldn't find my wallet anywhere. In there I had the very last of my money which I was going to use for gas to meet the person I was going to sell my massage table to. I decided to head off to church thinking it would help clear my head. To make a long story short someone gave me $20. THANK GOD!!! I got gas and headed out on the 45 min. drive. On the way there I played over in my mind over and over what I did last night. Then I suddenly remembered where it was. After I got home I found it right away. I was panicing because I REALLY needed the money from the massage table to keep the repo man away from my vehicle. I contacted the finance company and made payment arrangements and got assurance that the repo man would not come and take my Jeep away. I can litterally breath easier now!
Today my new cell phone saved me a bunch of money. I was on the phone for about an hour which would have cost me $6 on my old phone but my total charges today was only $.75. I saved at least $5.25!!!!
Posted by
No more debt
5:40 PM
Suze Orman
The other day I was watching Oprah and one of my hero's was on, Suze Orman. I love her brand of compassion combined with the no nonsense attitude. As a special limited-time offer I was able to download her book "Women and Money" for free. This was one of those books I've been wanting for a while now but since I am now in a buy nothing uneccessary year I did not buy it yet. Well, lo and behold, I got it, for FREE!! I've read parts of it at Barnes and Noble and found the information very empowering.
Now, before anyone thinks I'm a Suze worshiper, I want everyone to know I take everything she says with a grain of salt, just like I do with everything else. I know enough from past experiences to not blindly trust everything I see, hear, or read. But, I have a sixth sense about people and I get nothing but positive vibes from/about Suze. Some people worship her and some people worship Dave Ramsey. I don't think anybody should guru'ize anybody. Different methods work for different people. With my personality I need that hard hitting yet compassion of Suze's. I like how she gets people to look at the reasons behind their debt. There are plenty of programs out there that will help you get out of debt but as soon as people are released from the program they get right back in debt. I've done a lot of hard work and I think I've uncovered and healed the vast majority of the wounds from my past that contributed to my love of fast food (the biggest reason I'm in debt). It should be interesting to see how much weight I lose as I get rid of the debt.
Posted by
No more debt
1:42 AM
Other stuff I'm up to
Since this blog is about blogging everything I'm doing to get out of debt I guess I should fill you in on those activities.
In my previous post I mentioned the new cell phone to cut down on my phone bill. I can talk to my best friend a minimum of 30 min/day. With my old phone that would cost me $3/day for a total of $90/month (now we didn't talk that much, but we wanted to). My new plan will cost me $22.50/month for unlimited calls to her and free nights and weekends. So, in the first month I will easily make up the $30 it cost for the phone and activation. The activation was supposed to be $35 but I got it knocked down to $15 just by asking if I could get free activation. The guy couldn't get me free activation but he did find a code for $20 off.
I have an interview on Wednesday for several part-time positions with a staffing agency. I really want the substitute paraprofessional position for the local school district. It's 25 hours/week and includes benefits. I love working with kids with special needs. I've done it in the past and it has made me appreciate life so much more. I think about the kids I've worked with often. One little boy I with isn't so little anymore and I believe his birthday is in Feb, I need to send him a card. Anyhow, David and his family taught me so much. I will never forget them.
Ok, I got a little off track there...
One of the other positions I'm applying for is for a janitorial position. I also like this type of work because it's more physical and lets my brain process stuff.
Yes, these part time jobs are in addition to the full-time job. Both of these are M-F types of jobs which would leave my weekends free. I can work a ton of hours during the week and have my weekends to chill. I tend to do very well with this type of set-up.
I know it's maybe a little pie-in-the-sky thinking, but if I keep up with my minimalist spending, and I get the paraprofessional job I can have all my debts besides student loans and my vehicle paid off by this summer!!! And then have my vehicle paid off by this fall, a full year early. Then there are the student loans....
Posted by
No more debt
12:14 AM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Gotta love my best friend
I don't know what I would have done without my best friend this past year. The latest event was today. She finally got sick of me telling her I couldn't talk on the phone because my time was running out on my pre-paid phone. Now, we would talk for hours if we could. So she put up the money to open up a pre-paid account with another carrier. For $.75/day the two of us can talk as much as we want and I have free nights and weekends. The rest of the calls I make are only $.10/min-the same as my previous phone. I figure that now I will be spending $30 or less per month for phone service talking as much as I want, before I could easily spend $60/month. HUGE savings.
Monday I start my new job!!!!
Posted by
No more debt
8:45 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Well, I started one job this week for a printing company. What a joke. I was told, and have a letter stating, that I would get 30 hours per week. Well, what they negelected to tell me until tonight, my third night, that the 30 hours per week does not start until after training is over in three weeks. In the mean time I MIGHT get 15 hours per week, tonight I worked a whole 1 hour. Ummm, why couldn't they tell me this three weeks ago when they hired me. I would NOT have taken the job if I knew this. Thankfully I start the airline customer service job next week. I'm calling and quitting the printing company job tomorrow.
I'm still facing losing my vehicle. I have a buyer for my massage table so that will help some. I hope the money I get from that will keep the repo man away for a few more weeks until I get a paycheck.
I've applied for a ton of part time jobs. I was able to pick my shift for the job I am starting next week and I picked the graveyard shift so it will be easier to fit something else in.
Posted by
No more debt
8:23 PM
Friday, February 8, 2008
Better day
I ended up getting 2 job offers today. I got the medical chart reviewer position and the airline tech support job. There are two big barriers to taking the first position so I am taking the second.
Posted by
No more debt
5:33 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Ups and downs today
I bit the bullet the other day and filled out the form for any sort of financial assistance I could get from the county. Today I got some money for groceries on an EBT card. It was a total God-send. I had some basics like a few cans of soup, canned veggies, bread, peanut butter and jelly, but not much to put together a "real" meal. So I took the card and got a ton of groceries at Aldi's for only $27 then went to WalMart to get a few more things. I have enough money left to get perishables like milk. I now have a nice variety and can make some really good meals. This takes a huge load off of my shoulders. Now I can use the rest of the money in my checking for gas and airtime for my cellphone (no landline).
I had two phone interviews today. The first one was for the Red Cross. The job sounds very interesting but their could be problems with the scheduling starting in June. But, the pay is great. The second interview was for an on-call position at the hospital I worked at before. It could be a few weeks before I hear anything about either job. I'm really not thrilled about the job that starts on Monday, the pay is so low and they push you to produce, produce, produce. I will hear something by tomorrow afternoon if I got the airline customer service job. Out of the regular full-time jobs I am hoping to get the airline job. Bummer that it's for a company that is contracted by the airline so no great airline benefits. I also have another position in the works that could start on Monday reviewing medical charts.
I came home to another rejection letter, I can ad that to the several others I've gotten, and the two I've gotten via email. Enough with the denials, I want a job that pays the bills. $7.75/hr and only 30 hours/week is not going to pay the bills let alone the past due stuff. I'm at a point that unless I get some major money soon I will lose my place to live and or my vehicle. AAAACCCKKKKK!!!!
I know it's all going to work out, eventually.
Posted by
No more debt
9:22 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Posted by
No more debt
2:04 PM
First Post
I am starting this blog to document my year of getting out of debt. It's Feb 2nd and I'm getting a little bit of a late start on the year, but I don't want to wait until next year.
I don't have exact numbers but I'm guessing the amount is somewhere around $50,000, which includes student loans and my Jeep. My goal is to be debt free by the end of 2009. By the end of 2008 I want to have my smaller student loans, credit cards, and various collection accounts paid off.
So how am I going to go about doing this? Until I get everything paid off I'm making a pledge to myself and the world to no buy anything that is not absolutely essential. I am working on something to get a serger so I can sew things like yoga mat bags, reuseable shopping bags, produce bags, ect... I have a regular sewing machine but a serger would be much better. I am going to sew as many of these from the fabric I already have and if I have to buy some I will look at the thrift stores on their half price days.
At this time I am unemployed. I have a job lined up but it does not pay much. I am keeping it until something else comes along. I am also going to be on call at a former job but I have to jump through a few hoops before I can start. I am also working on a couple of self-employment opportunities. Nothing legal is off limits this year.
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No more debt
1:05 PM
Labels: debt, serger, spend nothing