Saturday, February 2, 2008

First Post

I am starting this blog to document my year of getting out of debt. It's Feb 2nd and I'm getting a little bit of a late start on the year, but I don't want to wait until next year.

I don't have exact numbers but I'm guessing the amount is somewhere around $50,000, which includes student loans and my Jeep. My goal is to be debt free by the end of 2009. By the end of 2008 I want to have my smaller student loans, credit cards, and various collection accounts paid off.

So how am I going to go about doing this? Until I get everything paid off I'm making a pledge to myself and the world to no buy anything that is not absolutely essential. I am working on something to get a serger so I can sew things like yoga mat bags, reuseable shopping bags, produce bags, ect... I have a regular sewing machine but a serger would be much better. I am going to sew as many of these from the fabric I already have and if I have to buy some I will look at the thrift stores on their half price days.

At this time I am unemployed. I have a job lined up but it does not pay much. I am keeping it until something else comes along. I am also going to be on call at a former job but I have to jump through a few hoops before I can start. I am also working on a couple of self-employment opportunities. Nothing legal is off limits this year.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

This sounds like a great goal! I will be plugging for you! You are now on my blogroll! Good luck..I'll enjoy following your year!