Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Insert clever quip about Tuesday here, maybe

I'm not quite sure I'm liking this theme of the day thing, it seems too forced for me. I'd rather keep it free form. It's my blog and I can do what I want right?

Not much of note happened Monday. I TRIED to sleep after I called the temp agency and the bank but the sleep was fragmented by several phone calls. Lovely.... I know my body and I know I have to get a good night's sleep tonight or else I'll succumb to the nasty crud that's going around (I can tell my body is really fighting it) and/or I'll get a migraine. So, that being said, I may not call into the temp agency in the morning. Yes, I need the money but I also can't afford to miss a couple days of work due to being sick.

I did work on refining my budget for this paycheck. I am making a well planned grocery list. I am also making a detailed list of errands I need to run on Friday (payday). If I don't make a list I will probably end up wasting a gallon or two of gas. Efficiency is key here.

I found out a little more about the benefits at my new job. I was only able to look at one option for health insurance and it's cheap but it really only meant for routine colds and flu type of doctors visits, maybe a broken bone or an uncomplicated appendectomy. The major positive side is it's only $19/month for a $250 deductible. Routine preventative care is only a $15 copay. This plan looks like a very viable option for me, especially since my primary form of health care is acupuncture. Hmmm, the more I write about this plan the more it's making a whole lot of sense to me. Even if I go to my acupuncturist once a month for $50 and health insurance is $19 it's still cheaper than a traditional employer sponsored insurance plan. Let me fill you in a little on how acupuncture has helped me. I am still in debt to several medical establishments for multiple tests that never showed anything (I was tested for multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis and had a shoulder injury). ALL of my symptoms went away after two or three sessions of acupuncture. So, $150 to solve the problem vs. THOUSANDS and no results; you do the math and figure out which option is more budget friendly.

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