Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Job interview #1 done

My interview was at 10am. I got there at 9:40am to take an assessment and fill out paperwork before the interview. The interview didn't start until 10:45! UGGGGG. And I saw the person chit chatting with other people while I was waiting. They expect you to show up on time but why can't they be on time? I would think that a staffing agency that staffs anything from industrial to semi-professional positions would dress at least semi-professional. Nope, not this office. The person who interviewed me looked like she was going out with her friends in her jeans and tight t-shirt.

Anyhow, as long as my background and references check out it looks like I'll get the position I interviewed for.


asgreen said...

Congrats! That's awesome.

NuwaveSista said...

Oh I certainly agree with you about agency employers lack of courtesy for interviewing you on time and their very casual dresscode. I went to one employemnt agency and the young lady that interviewed me looked like she just came back or was on her way to a rock climbing expenditure. If I'm expected to dress professional, you should do the same. That's just the appropriate grown up thing to do!

End of Rant-lol. Love your blog...Keep up the good work and good luck!