Tuesday, February 19, 2008

First night at work

I had my first night at work last night. Finally, an employer who has their act together!!

Since this is a personal finance (pf) blog I'll try to stay on topic. I took food to work instead of going out at meal time. EVERYONE in my group except me hit the local fast food joints. I figured the cost of my meal to theirs. Mine cost about $.75 and theirs cost $5+. I did break down during one of the breaktimes and spent $.80 on a candy bar. It was one of those deals where I had to eat soon or else. The lesson I'm taking away from this is to bring a snack or two with me.

When I got out of work it was REALLY cold (-5 and then add the windchill factor) so I was forced to turn on the heater in my Jeep. Having the heater on really cuts down on the gas milage. My commute is so short (5.5 miles) that most of the time my vehicle does not get warm until I drive that distance anyhow so I don't turn it on in the first place. Every little bit helps right?

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